Star Trek: Discovery is rated for readers of age 13+ (General Audiences). As such, this sim will not accept any members under the age of 13, due to child protection laws and the content that will be posted on this site.
13+ (General Audiences) means:
In general, the rule is: If it didn't happen on the Star Trek TV shows, then it won't happen here.
Any content posted to the site which is deemed by the sim's command staff to be overly mature in nature will result in the writer of the post receiving a warning and the specified sections of the post being censored. If a similar post is made later by the same player, then the Commanding Officer reserves the right to expel the player from the sim.
Any members found lying about their age on their join form and pretending to be over 13 years old when they are not (regardless of how far off by) will be immediately expelled. It is against the law for this sim to allow members below 13 years to join and attempting to circumvent this will not be treated lightly.

Post Quality and Quantity
Every member of the Star Trek: Discovery sim commits to posting at least once every two weeks. All members are encouraged to post more frequently, but any increased standard is not compulsory and will not count negatively towards you. Consistent failure to match the posting requirements is grounds for a loss of position and/or rank, and in some cases even a place on the sim. If for some reason you are not able to manage these posting standards, then individual arrangements can be made by speaking with the Commanding Officer.
The only other exceptions to the posting requirements rule are members who are on a Leave of Absence, which must be properly notified to the command staff, along with an estimation of when the player is likely to return.
All mission posts should be at least 150 words in length and in prose (story) format. All posts must be in the Third Person Narrative (replace "I" with "Bob") and in the Past-Tense (Replace "Bob picks up a spanner" with "Bob picked up a spanner"). The only exceptions to this are log-styled entries (which should be written as though the character is speaking directly to the reader) and dialogue or monologue (speech).
British English is the standard language of this sim, and all posts must follow English grammar rules and be of a high quality. No 'leet' or 'text-speak' is permitted on the sim.
The Crew
All members of the Star Trek: Discovery sim must be treated with equal respect. If a member is blatantly disrespectful, action will be taken appropriate to the offence committed, and may result in the form of a loss of rank, position or even membership of the sim. Out of Character threats will not be tolerated under any circumstances, and will result in an immediate ban from the sim.