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Wed Mar 2nd, 2016 @ 2:42pm

Ensign Tybald Jeune

Name Tybald La Jeune

Position Chief Helm Officer

Rank Ensign

Core Statistics

Gender Male
Species Human
Date of Birth May 23rd 2136
Marital Status Single
Affiliation Starfleet

Height 6'2"
Weight 91kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown

Pre-Starfleet Born in space in 2136 "Railleuse Moineau" Tybald became a veteran ships mate by the age of twelve. The loss of his father in a terrible accident sent his mother into a spiralling depression, Tybald would carry this depression to share her burden. His uncle and friend of the family Orran Gilders took over the ship. Tybald took his mother home to live with family, but they only got worse. O tried to take her own life, but changed her mind in time for intervention.

The Xindi incident compelled Tybald to rejoin the real word, and O followed, his graduation happened quickly under the Equivalence exams he aced the very second he became legally old enough to sign up.

2154 Tybald is assigned formally to the shipyards over Mars, as ferryman for the ship berths. The newly minted trade facility on Deneva saw him transferred, and O came along as well, getting a cooking job for the local commissary. The pair became famous, as Tybald was a man you could count on, and O made the slop in the commissary taste better than anyone before ever had.

Uss Discovery would recruit the pair to replace losses sustained in her maiden voyage.
Starfleet Career 2153- enlisted
2154- Three term graduate
2154- Olympus Mons Shipyards
2155- Deneva Trade network Chief flight Officer
2155- USS Discovery
Service Record 2136 -"Railleuse Moineau" L Class Lunar Module-cheap retrofits to warp 4 capability.
2154-Xindi incident - Starfleet cadet
2154- Olympus Mons Shipyards
2154 - promoted from midshipman to Ensign
2154-2155 -Deneva Trade network Chief flight Officer

Family n/a
Romance n/a
Friendships n/a

Physical Description Tybald is a handsome man, square jawed and barrel chested. He takes pride in his youth and vigor, running and swimming daily. His skin is darker than his mothers, and his accent screams French "spacer." He has a ready smile, and charming features.
General Personality Tybald was raised in space, and has the sense of work ethic and duty that Starfleet loves. Though he is a proud descendant of Louisiana, he is the first of his family to achieve anything outside the normal realms of human living and is outcast from them. He is a man of honor, and impeccable integrity. Though not a natural leader, his natural confidence and ability see others following him by example anyway.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Native Spacer
+Impeccable integrity
+Good fighter
+Jack of all trades for ship duty
-young and inexperienced... not immature
-has self-worth and self-esteem issues, battles depression
-is easily angered and loses composure
Ambitions Keeping his mother happy, raising a family on a K-Class of his own, heading out to deep space.
Hobbies & Interests Photography, Astralmetrics, stellar phenomena


Spouse n/a
Children n/a
Father Julius La Jeune
Mother Oatha La Jeuen
Brother(s) n/a
Sister(s) n/a
Other Family Byron La Fontaine- Grandfather
Odelia La Fontaine- Grandmother
Reynald Escarl La Fontaine-uncle
Eddete Bourque-aunt