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Wed Mar 2nd, 2016 @ 2:42pm

Lieutenant Tal Sek

Name Tal Sek 'Thaan

Position Chief Armoury Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Core Statistics

Gender Male
Species Andorian
Date of Birth 38 Terran years
Marital Status Other
Affiliation Andorian Special Forces- Starfleet Exchange

Height 6'4" (+3.5 in)
Weight 81kg
Hair Color White
Eye Color Pink

Pre-Starfleet Tal was recruited at Zenith of first lunar cycle per regulation on Andorii Charter signed by residents of Falto Per in the demilitarized zones. 2121
Genetic Relegation completed, shelthreth performed to the maturation of a Zhen and Shen Female. Bond pairs are formed, shapla's exchanged, full relegation obligation met 2135

Several Demilitarized zone had formed on the moons and asteroids of Andorii Prime, Falto Per of Tal Seks birth was one such DMZ, though re-incorporated by time of Sek's Service.

General Mechanized Infantry assignment in Southern Confederacy saw action against his own kind, rooting out disloyal separatists from local populace. The Southern Confederacy was established 2132, and collapsed with no measurable resistance after 2144.

Given nature of assignment, ship duty was recommended for ditance and emotional professionalism. As Infantry assigned to Troop Carriers Tal Sek was used as a placeholder all over Sector 2 (Andorian charts)

Sector 2- Vulcan engagements- General Infantry

Action taken over a series of border raids by Vulcan expansionists claiming legal annexation. During conflicts, boarded the Solok, T'pel, Surak's Song, Capturing Solok and T'pel successfully. Surak's Song was able to escape capture.

Action taken to recover Kraskaya on after actions resulted in the warship being seized.

Promoted to 2nd Lieutenant- Sent to the Andorian Tactical College for Qualifier.

Assigned to Docona- 2nd Lt. Tactical
Starfleet Career (TBD)

Tal Sek served on board the Docona, when they made a rendezvous with the Discovery. An explosion which killed a member of the Starfleet crew prompted an investigation, and he made a breakthrough in the nature of the chemicals used which lead to vital mission intelligence. Though he was not directly involved with the investigation of the incident on the Discover, he found an enjoyable experience in meeting them, later on prompting an Officer exchange given Tal's training in counter-insurgency.

Andorian Guard Exchange Program- Applicant the first "Starfleet Ship Discovery"

(Pending formal assignment)

1st Lt Tal Sek: Discovery Chief Tactical Officer
Service Record Andorian Imperial Guard

Assignment to DMZ- Counter intelligence of Southern Confederacy- 2139
- General Infantry and Urban Warfare. Trained in Tactical Skills proficiencies.
-promoted to shipman 1st class on permanent assignment to D'kor Troop carrier

General Mechanized Infantry assignment in Southern Confederacy saw action against his own kind, rooting out disloyal separatists from local populace. The Southern Confederacy was established 2132, and collapsed with no measurable resistance after 2144.

-Rebellious denizens of the outlying Seasonal Roth ice sheath refused to contribute to the whole in Shelthreth 2145. Genetic relegation restored successfully with minimal casualties.
-promoted to Ensign

-Insurgencies on colonies:

Weytahn -2146
Indarax -2146
-promoted to 2nd Lt.

Thonolan IV -2147
Alrond -2147
-promoted to Lieutenant

Incorporated Coria Conflict: A small population on the moon of Coria (Indarax) rejected agreed upon governmental changes for incorporation to Andorian Economic markets. Though united, officially measured resistances were formally ended under operations performed by the unit (Ebon Shroud)

As Infantry assigned to Troop Carriers Tal Sek was used as a placeholder all over Sector 2 (Andorian charts)

Sector 2- Vulcan engagements- General Infantry

Action taken over a series of border raids by Vulcan expansionists claiming legal annexation. During conflicts, boarded the Solok, T'pel, Surak's Song, Capturing Solok and T'pel successfully. Surak's Song was able to escape capture.

Action taken to recover Kraskaya on after actions resulted in the warship being seized. 2150

Promoted to 2nd Lieutenant- Sent to the Andorian Tactical College for Qualifier.

Assigned to Docona- Lt. Commander Tactical

Combat action seen on stardates

23.79.00 - Vulcan
23.40.47 -Vulcan
24.88.91 Rigelian
24.32.78 Rigelian
45.11.13 -Orion
67.83.40 -Unknown Origins, (Deltan)
34.47.32- Klingon
15.39.98- Klingon

Investigation credit granted on Starfleet Intelligence to identifying catalyzing agent and location of cabal providing insurgent resources. Starfleet Ship Discoveru

Starfleet/Andorian Exchange Program

(Pending formal assignment)
1st Lt Tal Sek: Discovery Chief Tactical Officer

Family A'zella Zhen, Trissa Shen, Foran Zhaan, Kala, Sita

Odok Clan

Fyrins Clan

Alootio Clan
Romance Relegation and consummation have been achieved. Generational Relegation in approximately 18 years. A'zella Zhen, Trissa Shen, Foran Zhaan are all accomplished in various fields and lead separate lives.
Friendships T'ohm Ban was his closest friend aboard the Docona, recently lost in conflict with Klingons.

Physical Description A tall fit Andorian 'Thaan male. Prominent Antennae, prefers to dress in black, with white accents. Does not fit in with normal military operations, prefers to be left to his own decisions, though an easy smile is always on his face
General Personality Does not fit in with normal military operations, prefers to be left to his own decisions though he enjoys humans for their humor. He tries to be friends, but never lets himself be genuine nor will he truly ever trust someone. He sleeps and eats with antennae scanning for electrical presence of life.
Strengths & Weaknesses - can seem rude or condescending dealing with Human Technology, always tries to improve it, gets interesting results.
+Brings a wealth of knowledge from Andorian Tactical Colleges
+ Trained in civilian warfare, insurgencies, public administration and policy.
- Moral Compass is not set to human
Ambitions Enjoys humans and Starfleet, and so pursues the Alliance. He dreams of Andoria as a pillar of the Alpha Quadrant.
Hobbies & Interests Human culture, language, humor
A self-defensive style of Combat, non-lethal. acquired in dealing with humans squeamish for his other... more brutal style.


Spouse A'zella Zhen, Trissa Shen, Foran Zhaan
Children Kala, Sita
Father Ito o Zhaan, Ghor Thaan
Brother(s) Trissa Shen
Sister(s) Foran Zhaan, A'zella Zhen
Other Family Odok Clan, Fyrins Clan, Alootio Clan