Ensign Lenard Gallagher

Name Lenard R Gallagher

Position Chief Communications Officer

Rank Ensign

Core Statistics

Gender Male
Species Human
Date of Birth 12 Aug 2129
Marital Status Single
Affiliation United Earth

Height 5'10"
Weight 157
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue

Lenard was born on the freighter ECS Zephyrus, somewhere between Aclarth and Ketera. His mother was a pilot on the freighter while his father served on the ship as an engineer. Growing up as a Space Boomer was not an easy life, but Lenard enjoyed pulling into a new spaceport every few months and visiting the various colonies. The children in the convoy had much the same education as anyone else but with an extra focus on life in space. There was always the threat of piracy or a serious engineering problem far from help, but those were part of the assumed risks of space travel.

The diverse nature of the crew created an environment that fostered the learning of languages. The captain of the ship and his wife were from Portugal, and the Chief engineer was from Germany. Growing up, Lenard would take language lessons from them. In 2143, the Zephyrus took on a new chief engineer who came from a Spanish background. For the next few years, Lenard took lessons in Spanish until he left the Zephyrus for Earth. As his mother's family was originally from France on Earth, she made sure Lenard also received instruction pertaining to the French language from an early age.

Once on Earth, Lenard enrolled in Australian National University in order to major in Aerospace Engineering with a minor in International Relations. Unsure of just what his future plans were, Lenard wanted a degree that would benefit him regardless of what route he took.

While at the University, his Arabic professor recognized Lenard's gift for languages and urged him to stay on at ANU and earn a master’s degree in Linguistics.

While at the University, the NX-Enterprise was launched, and Lenard followed with interest any news stories relating to Earth's first warp 5 vessel. As he was working on the Master's degree, the NX-Columbia was launched as Earth's second warp 5 vessel. This was soon followed by the launching of the Challenger.

In 2153, Lenard was approached by a Starfleet recruiter who recommended he join as a Communications Officer. After giving it some thought, he accepted the offer and was tentatively accepted into Starfleet pending completion of his studies.
Starfleet Career As he had already completed a degree program, there was no need for him to attend Starfleet Training Command. Instead he enrolled in the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. There Starfleet had partnered with the United Kingdom to create an alternate to the standard Starfleet Training Command. Upon completion of the eight month course, Lenard was commissioned as an Ensign in the United Earth Starfleet. He was soon assigned to the NX-Discovery as a communications officer.
Service Record April 2147-December 2151: Undergraduate Student @ Australian National University. B.S. Aeronautical Engineering/ A.S International Relations

February 2152-December 2154 Graduate Student @ Australian National University. Master's Degree Linguistics

January 2155-August 2155: Royal Military Academy Sandhurst

2155- Present: Communications Officer; NX-04 Discovery

Friendships Lenard keeps in contact with the Zephyrus as well as his roommate from ANU, Samuel Bates, who is stationed on the Intrepid type UES Bernoulli as a science officer.

General Personality Lenard enjoys being around other people, both listening to and telling various stories. He works best in fluid situations which allow him to be charismatic and creative.

His intuition helps Lenard perceive the truth about a situation or person but at times he will jump to the wrong conclusion. Among a group of friends, Lenard is most likely to try and place peacemaker should a dispute arise.

While on duty Lenard is all business, but during off duty hours he not afraid to have a good time. At times hasty decisions that were rooted in feelings have come back to haunt him.
Strengths & Weaknesses Optimistic, enthusiastic & spontaneous, easily distracted, procrastination, high standards, unconventional.

Languages spoken: German, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Andorian
Ambitions Lenard is excited by the idea of serving on a ship with a speed of warp 5 and exploring areas of space not reachable by freighters at warp 2. He is also hoping his service in Starfleet will allow him to give back to member of the Earth Cargo Service.
Hobbies & Interests Volleyball, Judo, violin, oil painting


Father Matthew Gallagher
Mother Jacquline Roussel Gallagher
Sister(s) Alexis Gallagher, Chloe Hammond
Other Family John Gallagher, Michael Gallagher, Martha Gallagher, Erin Simpson, Ryan Hammond, Julie Hammond, Edmond Roussel, Lionel Roussel, Jeanette Roussel, Marie Roussel