Star Trek: Discovery

Joint Post Etiquette
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Author:  Christina Curtis [ Fri Jun 06, 2014 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Joint Post Etiquette

OK, so just some suggestions to help keep things easy in here when we want to work on posts together:
  • Start the title of the topic with the mission number (e.g. M1:) followed by the character's surnames
  • Write your bits and leave a space for the other player to write their response. For example:

    Blah blah blah


    Blah blah blah
  • Each player should copy the whole post and add their bits. This process should keep on happening until the joint post is completed.
  • The starter of the joint post should then copy and paste the final copy of the joint post to the mission posting area.
  • One of the participants should then request for the thread to be locked/archived in the final post of the thread.

TIP: You can use the 'CODE' or 'QUOTE' buttons to copy the contents of the previous post and keep the formatting of it as well. Just remember to remove the quote or code tags.

Author:  Maya [ Wed Feb 04, 2015 2:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joint Post Etiquette

After we finish writing when do we post our finished product on the 'mission post' board. We're going to have some weird chronology if we're not careful.

Author:  Christina Curtis [ Wed Feb 04, 2015 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Joint Post Etiquette

I'm going to try and keep at least the main points in the plot in order (such as the departure from dock, the mission briefing, the explosion that kills Cayne, and other key events), but as far as the other stuff goes, I think that we can handle having things slightly out of order, so long as we don't have someone writing a post set a week into the future. I don't want people to feel like they can't post something because the next major JP that it would be waiting on has gotten hung up waiting for someone to tag.

So long story short; post it up when it is done, unless of course it refers to some big event set to take place in one of the major posts that hasn't gone up yet

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